A project of this size required significant logistical planning. We would be working at a remote site where we would only have one chance to get this project done correctly. Since we would be working on three gates concurrently, we decided to have three workers at each gate, and two more team members for running materials and tools between the sites. This team size of 11 experienced workers proved just right for this project. We also brought duplicate tools in case something broke or did not work properly. This was most fortunate because one of our two cutting torches and fuel bottles got damaged during transport.
To prepare the tools, gear and gates for helicopter transport our group had to weigh and mark each specific item. Then the items were organized by the four different drops points, and then placed on cargo nets as shown. Each load must weigh less than 800 pounds for the helicopter to safely tranport. This project required seven loads brought in, and five loads removed at the end of the project.
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