A safety briefing was held, both at the staging site near the vehicles and again outside the cave, prior to work beginning at either location. The focus of the brief was the safety of the workers and to minimize the impact to the cave. Work was initiated at the site by moving unstable rock from the vicinity, making the area safe to work for the teams. Moving breakdown rocks that would later be used to reinforce the footer of the gate also required several people. Crews then set to dressing up a few of the attachment points for the gate to the rock. After clearing the site and moving the welding equipment, powered by a generator outside the cave, to the site, work was begun on the setting of the anchors and footers. Two welding teams worked the site at different points, while another team moved rocks and mixed concrete for the final installation. All teams wore appropriate safety equipment, including helmets, safety glasses, gloves, and respirators where appropriate.