Whispering Ranch Mine - Bat Gating Project
Located on BLM Land outside of Wickenburg, Arizona.

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Once the three sections of the Cupula Gate were welded together we used the trailer to move the assembled gate next to the mine shaft. By using a combination of two chains, a 3-ton floor jack, wooden pallets, two trucks, and the trailer, we were able to place the finished gate onto skid boards directly adjacent to the mine shaft. We then slid the gate into the final position with chains attached to the work truck and the backhoe.


Final Bat Gate Positioning

Placing Cupola Gate over the Mine Shaft


Final Cupola Bat Gate Welding

Final Cupola Bat Gate Welding


With the Bat Gate in place we next drilled one-inch diameter holes around the perimeter of the gate apron. These holes were drilled about one foot deep into solid rock. Next we drove steel mounting pins into the rock to ensure that the gate could not be easily moved. For added stability the pins were then welded to the edge of the gate apron.

Once the final welding and positioning was complete, we backfilled the edge of the gate apron so that the surface would be flush with the base of the gate. This further helped stabilize the gate and controls water runoff from undermining the structure. Our final work included building a dirt/rock berm around the gate area so that the entire structure was mostly hidden from view. From the nearby roadway, the site looks the same as it did before we installed the gate.



Funding for this project was generously donated by the mining company Freeport McMoRan, the largest copper mining company in the world. Further support was offered by bat specialist Jason Corbett of Bat Conservation International. Historical consultation and other support was offered by Allan Hall. Construction and Fabrication work was done by Bruce Lynn, Tom Gilleland, Bob Draves, Robert Dietz, and Diane Serpa. And thank you to the folks at the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) for completing the environmental compliance, and supporting the protection of this unique site. The project was completed by MineGates, Inc.

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Whispering Ranch Shaft Bat Gate Project

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Installed Cupola Bat Gate

Installed Cupola Bat Gate


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